I am in the remembrance business. After decades teaching about both world wars, and taking many trips to the Ypres Salient, November 11th is not much more special than any other day. But the annual focus on remembering those who fought in both wars, and since, is very important. We are not required to judge one way or the other, but to remember.
Four of the pieces I have published on Kindle are about the two world wars and their causes. This year, 2022, I am making them free on November 11, 12 and 13. (If you can't wait, or if you have missed those dates, don't worry; they only cost about £1.00 each.) I usually describe them as "brief but not superficial". Here they are, with links.
The Causes and the Course of the First World War
This is, as its title suggests, two separate sections. The second section does not in fact deal with the whole course, but with the specific question of why Germany lost.
Scotland and the Causes of the First World War
I was invited to give this talk in 2014 by the Colinton History Society, and I knew I must do a good job for them. On the one hand I reviewed how my own understanding of the causes of the war had changed and developed during my life, in the light of published material available. On the other hand I looked at the Scottish experience; in particular I researched newspapers of July and August 1914. I think the result was interesting.
The Causes of the Second World War and Appeasement.
This is another piece that was originally written as two separate lectures. The first looks at the world-wide causes of a world-wide war. There was a lot more going on than Britain versus Germany. The second goes through a series of points about the specific policy of appeasement. It is notorious for not working, of course, but there were many reasons for following the policy which looked good at the time.
Why did the Allies win the Second World War?
As a student I developed a reputation with my supervisors for a style of writing that said a great deal in a few words. I can hardly believe that this piece covers such a massive subject in so few words - but it does. It will not take you long to read a very great deal about the Second World War. Of course the War could be a life-time study, and still not complete at the end of it, but you have to start somewhere.
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