Monday, 3 October 2016

Landscape painting sale

                   Exhibition and Silent Auction of Paintings - George Harris

Three things seem to be happening at once:
I have been painting landscapes now for three decades. As a result I have far too many pictures in the house.
We are in the process of moving to a smaller house. Finding a good home for as many paintings as possible is something I am very keen to do.
The church we go to, St John’s, Princes Street, has just embarked on a big building programme. This involves offices, toilets, the Terrace shops, access, and a rebuilt Hall. We are confident this will make St John’s one of the best community centres and venues in the West End. It is expensive. The magnificent church building itself will not be altered.

So, taking these three things together, I have decided to organise a silent auction of about 50 of my paintings. Each painting will have a sheet on which you can write your bid – and re-bid later in the evening if you find someone else has come in above you. It should be an opportunity to buy an original painting at a bargain price.

This will happen at Harry’s, 7 Randolph Place EH3 7TB on Monday 10th of October.
The exhibition will open at 4.00pm.
Bidding will close at 8.30pm
My hand-painted cards will also be on sale.

If you want to buy a painting outright, before 8.30, you will be welcome to do so. It will, of course, cost more.

All moneys taken (after expenses are paid) will go to St John’s
Please be ready to pay on the night (cash or cheque). People who are known to me personally can hope for credit.
Please be ready to take away with you any paintings you buy. If this is a problem, do ask and we can sort something out.

Feel no obligation to spend any money. Think of the evening as a party. The first drinks will be free (until the kitty runs out. Moral: don’t be late). Harry’s will be delighted if you buy food and drink. Do let family and friends know too; all welcome.

I do hope we will see you there.

Best wishes


Sunday, 2 October 2016

A Hymn for a Service of Blessing the Animals

I have written several jokey parodies of hymns, but only twice written serious hymns. This is one of them. At our church in Creationtide we have a service for the blessing of animals. It has become dominated by pet dogs. This is fair enough, and they are very lovable; but there is more to the animal kingdom than pets. This hymn is intended to give other creatures a look in.

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A Hymn for a Service of Blessing the Animals (Tune: “The Day of Resurrection”)

Come bring your cats and guinea pigs, your hamsters and your dogs.
Come farmers bring your woolly sheep, your gimmers, tups and hogs.
Let praise for all Creation resound upon the breeze.
But if your parrot says rude words, control it if you please.

Zoo-keepers bring your charges; tapirs and wild boars.
North aisle for vegetarians and south for carnivores.
We love to see the gibbons swing, and chat to chimpanzees.
But pythons, tigers, grizzly bears – control them if you please.

All microscopic forms of life that live in sludgy gloop
We owe our life to such as you, in the primaeval soup.
The algae in the duck pond and the plankton in the seas
Shall brithers be for a’ that (but don’t bring killer bees!)

Come beasts, however humble; come rats and gnats and mice
Bless midges, worms and ladybirds; bless ants and bugs and lice.
The glory of Creation includes the ticks and fleas.
But if you’ve brought a virus, do be careful not to sneeze.